Saturday, July 24, 2010

Doesn't anyone review easels today?

Some months back I was looking at Hobby Lobby's website and notice that no one had reviewed the art materials. So I went and left reviews on art materials I had used. Reviews are good for folks whom are just starting art and want to try to decide what to buy.

I was trying to find information on table top easels. I have found enough information that if I can find pre-1940s easels on eBay I should buy them.

I was trying to decide between a Winsor and Newton Arun table easel, and a Jullian Plein Air table easel. I'm not finding enough reviews to help me decide which one. Sigh...

Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Both these easels are on eBay. The one deciding factor might be that the W&N is new, while the Jullian is an estate sale find. (So it's probably older and therefore might be better made.)

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